* START HERE * Lockout module Onboarding

* START HERE * Lockout module Onboarding

Similar questions:  Which sequence to follow when reviewing articles during Lockout Onboarding Process? What is the order of actions to set up and start using the Lockout Module?

1. Initial CONFORMiT Setup

When implementing CONFORMiT, several configurations are necessary to customize the platform to your organization's needs and practices. Follow the link above to put a basic structure in place before implementing the module(s).

It may be also useful to get familiar with the rest of the content in the knowledge base section Organization that explain certain features and tips on how to use them.

2. Building the Machine Structure

Machine structure is merged with the Organization structure as certain Locations 
 and Machines  exist within your organizational units. Organizational units may not be moved or edited within the Machine structure – it is necessary to go to  tab for such purposes. Nonetheless Locations and Machines are created, edited and moved within the structure in  tab. Before creating Lockout Procedures (Lockout Files) it is necessary to create that Machine first that these files will be linked to.

3. Building your Workflow for Lockout Procedure Review, Verification and Approval

During this step it is necessary to create a Workflow or multiple workflows that reflect existing process of creating, verifying and approving Lockout Files. If such process is not established within your organization or you would like to improve it – create the Workflow that you wish to have.

Some of the reasons why it might be necessary to create more than just one Lockout Workflow are:
-       various facilities in your Organizational Structure have different verification and approval process for Lockout files;
-       process of creating, verifying and approving Full lockout and Partial lockout procedures might be different;
-       certain machines might have different requirements concerning the process of approval of their lockout files (for ex. confined spaces, critical to the production equipment, newly installed machinery, etc.).

      1)    How to create a new Lockout workflow?

      2)    How to create and modify a workflow Status?

      3)    Defining possible actions for each Status of the Lockout Workflow.

      4)    Setting up the validity period of an approved procedure

4. Isolating Devices and Lockout Procedures

There exist 2 techniques for creating Lockout Procedures: to create Isolating Devices first and then build procedures using those devices that you have already created; or to start creating Lockout Procedures and create devices as you go on from the page for Procedure creating. Both ways are convenient, and it all depends on what you have in front of you – a list of devices or your Lockout Files themselves. The list of content below starts with Isolating Devices section since that implies creating certain categories in General Settings so you will have them in drop-down lists as you create your devices and procedures.  

      1)    Creating a new device type

      2)    Creating a new device position

      3)    Creating a new energy source

      4)    Creating a new lockout mechanism type

      5)    Creating instructions for the reference list in lockout procedures

      6)    Creating an isolating device

      7)    Where to mention Isolation steps for a device?

      8)    Where to describe return to service steps for a device?

      9)    Where to select a lockout mechanism?

      10)  Attaching pictures or files to the Isolating Device

      11)  Editing an isolating device

      12)  Creating a new Lockout Procedure

      13)  How to select a different workflow?

      14)  Describing shutdown steps of the procedure

      15)  Editing a shutdown step with a device

      16)  Adding an isolation step

      17)  Creating and editing Return to service steps

      18)  Three tools for adding the instruction in the Lockout procedure

      19)  Changing the Status of the procedure

      21)  How to print a lockout procedure?

5. CONFORMiT Intervention Mobile Application

Once lockout procedures have been created, they become available in the mobile application Intervention, that allows to perform steps of the procedure when locking out equipment and returning it to service. Mobile app syncs automatically for all users having network coverage, therefore everyone can see which equipment is being locked out or returned back to service, as well as if any changes have been made to Procedure steps while applying them for the Lockout process on spot (changes made in the mobile app do not influence the original reference version of the lockout Procedure created in the Web interface)

       2)    Performing lockout procedure steps

       3)    What to do if the step of the procedure cannot be completed?

       4)    Making corrections to the procedure in mobile app

       5)    How to replace an isolation device for a certain step in the mobile app?

       6)    How to correct a wrong instruction in the step of lockout procedure?

       7)    How to correct a spelling mistake in instruction in Intervention?

       8)    Filtering interventions list

Articles listed above present information needed for Onboarding process, although the content in the knowledge base is not limited only to these articles. There are other texts and videos that may respond to some of your questions that you might have while going through the process of self-onboarding and setting up your new Lockout solution.


Don’t hesitate to contact our support team, CONFORMiT CSM (customer success manager) or submit your ideas and questions using  button above the knowledge base content in case you have some questions about existing features or suggestions about new features that you consider might be useful.  

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