Creating instructions for the reference list in lockout procedures

Creating instructions for the reference list in lockout procedures

Similar questions:  How to add an instruction to the reference list in Lockout settings? How to modify an instruction in the reference list for lockout procedures in General Settings?      

Adding an instruction to the reference list in Settings for Lockout is possible for those users having this right in their Roles and Rights in the Settings section. Adding instructions to the list while creating a Lockout procedure using button is possible for users having the right to create and edit Lockout procedures.

  1. In go to tab and to  section of it
  1. In the upper central part of the screen click on button and type the instruction in the window that opens


  1. Confirm by clicking on or if you have multiple instructions to create;
  1. Newly created instruction is added to the drop-down list that appears when building the procedures and will appear in the top of the list in the General Settings section for Instructions and can be edited or deleted from there as well as other instructions in this list.

  1. If the instruction in the list has been already used in one or multiple Lockout procedures, in case of editing such Instruction platform will as show a warning that these changes will be reflected in already existing procedures.

  1. By clicking to publish changes we open a window that asks whether to maintain the status of procedures that are affected by this change or to change their status to New category, that will require to go through the whole approval process again (in case that changes significantly the content of the Procedure)

  1. Those instructions that have been used in at least one existing Procedure cannot be deleted from the list


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