How to replace an isolation device for a certain step in the mobile app?

How to replace an isolation device for a certain step in the mobile app?

How to replace an isolation device for a certain step in the mobile app?

Similar questions:  What to do if a wrong device mentioned in a certain step of the procedure?

Please note that corrections and changes made to the procedure in Interventions mobile app do not affect the reference version. Next time someone will be using this same procedure, it will come in an unchanged format without corrections or notes made by someone in the intervention. Therefore modifications in the mobile app apply to the current case of lockout only.

  1.           In case you notice there’s a wrong device mentioned in a certain step of the procedure, select   button in the bottom of the page This opens the page to select what type of corrections user is willing to make.


  1.          Select  and that will take you to the next page, where you will have to click on   Make your selection of the correct device that was supposed to be isolated in the current step instead of the one mentioned there by mistake.


  1.          Type the instruction regarding isolation of the device and mention it’s position for isolation, after that confirm replacing the device A note will appear above this step that the device has been replaced.



  1.       Continue performing Lockout steps.

Please note that the fact that device was replaced during this current intervention doesn’t influence the reference version. In order to replace the device in the reference version so that it would be the correct device next time when someone would be using this same procedure, it has to be changed via Web interface. This may be done by users having the right to edit Lockout procedures within their role in the tenant.


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