How to duplicate the lockout procedure?

How to duplicate the lockout procedure?

Similar questions:  How to create a copy of the lockout file? How to create similar LOTO procedures without having to re-create all steps each time?

Similar pieces of equipment or parts of the same machine might have lockout Procedures that are very alike. Therefore in order to save time on creating them, instead of creating same type of steps it is possible to duplicate them and change only those steps that are different.

While working in  module click on Identifier  of the procedure that you wish to duplicate in the  to open it

Within the Lockout file itself click on  button and select the option to Duplicate the procedure:

In the window that opens user may change the identifier sequential number and Description of the new duplicated procedure that will be created, as well as make selection whether to include attached documents (if any)

After confirming by clicking on  a new duplicated procedure will be open in the initial status (New procedure or Draft, depending on the default Workflow).

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