Moving the unit within the machine structure

Moving the unit within the machine structure

Similar questions:  How to change the machine unit’s position within the machine structure? How to change the parent unit for the machine or location?

Moving machines or locations that exist within Machines structure doesn’t change the structure of Organization, as well as organizational units cannot be moved within the Machines structure, as they can only be moved in the Organization structure. Units having  or  pictograms in the structure and Machine Units and can be moved if necessary.

  1.      In the  structure there are 2 ways to move the unit within. It’s a “move unit” button  on the unit tab within the structure itself

  1.      Or the “move unit” option within the  button menu when working in the unit’s details to the right side of the screen.

  1.      Clicking on this button opens the window to move this unit and its children (sub-units) to another place in the Machine structure by selecting a different “Parent” unit.

  1.           Once a new Parent unit is selected, the machine will appear in the structure under the new Parent unit

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