Setting up the validity period of an approved procedure

Setting up the validity period of an approved procedure

Similar questions:  Where to indicate a date after which procedure has to be reviewed? Where to see that procedure has expired?
Different workflows might have different expiry time set for procedures having Approved status. This allows to set a different procedure review frequency, depending on type of machinery, facility or other technical particularities. Each new use of the procedure automatically extends its time before expiry by the set time frame, but this can be changed if the box to extend the validity period will be unchecked.

  1.          Go to   and select  This will open the list of all existing workflows, find the relevant one and click on it to open (for example  )

  1.         The last Status (by default called Approved but may be renamed if necessary)  is where the expiration date is being set. Open it and activate this option if you wish your procedures to have a certain validity period or deactivate it in case operating procedures within your company do not require review of these procedures.            
  1.       Validity period may be set for a number of month or days.


  1.      This period by default will be reset each time for the procedure once it has been used (printed or used in Interventions mobile app) – since lockout was performed using this procedure, it means it is still effective and can be considered as a review.
  1. If you don't need it to be reset each time after use - then uncheck the box and expiry period will remain as was set up regardless whether Procedure was printed or used in mobile application

  1.           In case the procedure has expired and needs to be reviewed, a relevant status will be displayed in the list of Procedures  indicating also the date when it has expired.


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