Creating an isolating device.

Creating an isolating device.

Similar questions: How to create a shut-off device? Where do I create an isolation point?

Creating, deleting or editing details of energy isolating devices requires to have relevant rights within the software for a user. Please refer to your CONFORMiT administrator if you need to create or edit isolating devices, but do not see necessary buttons in your interface.

·       Go to module. This will open the list of lockout procedures. Then select in the right-side menu bar.

·       Clicking opens a window with 4 consecutive pages asking to describe device Name, Identifier, Energy source, Location, Device type, Positions or PPE required to handle the energy source and Organizational unit that device exists within.  Mandatory fields are marked with the  sign, other fields are optional.


  1. Button in the bottom of the window takes to the next page to fill up Position and Additional instruction if applicable (that appears on the LOTO procedure applying this device).


  1. Select Isolation and Return to service positions if necessary (both are optional). Use  button if necessary to return to the previous step and change what’s needed.
  1. When done click on  in the bottom on the last 4th step and it will be added to the list of devices and from that point may be selected when creating Lockout procedure.

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