Three tools for adding the instruction in the Lockout procedure

Three tools for adding the instruction in the Lockout procedure

Similar questions:  How to add an instruction in the Lockout Procedure without switching to General Settings? How to add instruction to the reference list from the Lockout Procedures’ tab? How to create a “one time” instruction without “polluting” the reference drop-down list? How to create a customized instruction without rights to create instructions in Lockout module?

User having the Role(s) in CONFORMiT that don’t have Right to create or edit instructions in Lockout module, but does have rights to create Lockout instructions will be only able to create Custom Instructions for one step, without adding them to the reference list.

·       First of all, create an instruction step by clickingor 
 ordepending on which section of the Procedure you’re working on.

·       Deactivate the button if applicable in order to make this step to be an Instruction step.

·       Select from the reference list the necessary instruction

·       In case this instruction is not in the list, click on to create one, type the instruction in the window that opens and confirm by clicking on  This will add the instruction to the reference list and it will appear next time in the list and can be used in further steps or future Procedures.

·       If this instruction is specific to this current step only and you do not wish to add it to the reference list, so that it would not appear there each time when adding the instruction, click on and type the instruction in the field (such instruction will appear in this Procedure but will not be added to the reference drop-down list)

·       To come back to the reference list option click on 

·       Same three tools are used when adding or editing the Additional Instruction in steps implying the Isolating Device too after clicking on 

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