How to create or modify a Workflow status?

How to create or modify a Workflow status?

How to create or modify a Workflow status?

Similar questions:  How to set up the time allotted for a certain status? How to rename the Status?

Creating and editing workflows can be performed by users having relevant rights in their Users and rights according to their role in the software. Please refer to your company’s CONFORMiT administrator in case you need to obtain a right to create and edit Lockout workflows.

  1.          Go to  and select  This will open the list of all existing workflows, find the relevant one and click on it to open (for example )                    

  1.          If necessary to create an additional Status – click on  button and name the new Status, select its Category and Color


  1.      Statuses that exist by default when new Workflow is just created, may be renamed in the title field:


  1.          Color of the Status is displayed on the Workflow as well as within the procedure itself showing the current status. It may be selected by pressing on 

  1.      Select the time allotted for each step in the timing section to correspond with your company’s standards or set the standard within this Workflow if it’s not yet regulated in your current Procedure approval process (this section is optional).

  1.          User that is responsible for the Status completion will be notified in case the alert section is set up  via email and in his Notifications 

  1.          Transitions from one status to other statuses have to be set up in a way allowing to comply with company’s standard or current process used to review and approve Lockout procedures. Click on  and select to which next Status this Transition lead in the window that opens, as well as name the Transition (usually describing current state of the Procedure development)


  1.       Develop as many Transitions within each Status as there may be stages requiring to transfer work on the Procedure to other Statuses (Transitions may change the Status both forward or backward according to the Workflow sequence). Each transition that is added it will appear in the list within the Status details window


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