How to correct a spelling mistake in instruction in Intervention?

How to correct a spelling mistake in instruction in Intervention?

How to correct a spelling mistake the step of lockout procedure?

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Please note that corrections and changes made to the procedure in Interventions mobile app do not affect the reference version. Next time someone will be using this same procedure, it will come in an unchanged format without corrections or notes made by someone in the intervention. Therefore, modifications in the mobile app apply to the current case of lockout only.

  1. In case you’ve noticed a spelling mistake in a certain step of the procedure, select button in the bottom of the page. This opens the page to select what type of corrections user is willing to make.      


  1.            Clicking on opens a page to select type of action needed to fix the issue. In order to simply fix the spelling mistake option will be most appropriate.


  1.           On the Step Modification page correct spelling mistakes where necessary and confirm by pressing A note on top of the page will be stating that this step has been modified.


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