Describing shutdown steps of the procedure

Describing shutdown steps of the procedure

Describing shutdown steps of the procedure

Similar questions:  How to add a machine stop step? How to edit a shutdown step instruction?

  1.           In the  module within section select the procedure that you wish to describe shutdown steps for or find it in the list if you have just created this new procedure. Use the search bar to facilitate your search  Click on Identifier to open it.

  1.          In the left side Procedure menu go to Shutdown section and add as many steps as necessary clicking on the button  and select an instruction from the drop-down list


  1.          In case there’s no relevant instruction in the list, click on and create one. Such instruction will be added to the list and available in the drop-down list when creating stop steps next time.


  1.          There may several steps for Shutdown section. To create additional ones, use the same button When certain step implies a device, activate the Device needed button  and select one.                       
  1.      Selecting a device will automatically add Device details and instructions that go along with the device selected.

  1.          When the appropriate device is not found in the list, it may be created by clicking on the button and performing steps described in “Creating an isolating device” article. As well as current instruction for the device selected may be edited by clicking on 

  1.          Order of steps in the procedure for machine shutdown may be changed by pressing on arrows  To delete a step, click on 

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