What to do if the step of the procedure cannot be completed?

What to do if the step of the procedure cannot be completed?

What to do if the step of the procedure cannot be completed?

Similar questions:  Where to mention in the mobile app the reason why the step cannot be performed? How to delete a step in Intervention?

Deleting a step or adding a comment to it does not influence the reference version, which can be changed only by authorised users in the Web interface. These actions influence only the current lockout procedure.

  1.      In case that the procedure step cannot be completed most important would be to refer to your company’s procedure on how to act in such situation. However, there are few options in mobile app Intervention what can be done (apart from editing the instruction of the step):

-       deleting the step (after indicating the reason)

-       adding a description of the reason why the step cannot be performed as a comment to the step and marking it as completed after that

  1.           To delete a step first click on in the bottom of the page and select description of the problem. If none apply in the list – select the bottom one  and describe the issue:


  1.      Either after describing Other problem or after selection of other issue type, next page that opens has the option to 


  1.       Once the step is deleted it will have a note on the top of the page and from this moment it doesn’t require to mark it as completed – user may swipe to the next step.


  1.       Another way is to add a reason why the step cannot be completed as a comment, and after that confirm that it is completed in the bottom of the step page 



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