Editing a shutdown step with a device

Editing a shutdown step with a device

Editing shutdown steps implying a device

Similar questions:  How to change an instruction for the shutdown step? How to edit device position in the stop step?

For steps without devices (instructions only) it may be edited by selecting a different instruction in the drop-down list or creating one pressing on   near instruction selection field.

  1.          In the  module within section select the procedure that you wish to describe shutdown steps for or find it in the list if you have just created this new procedure. Use the search bar to facilitate your search  Click on Identifier to open it.

  1.          In the left side Procedure menu go to Shutdown section and to the step you wish to edit (steps with devices only) and open details by clicking on 


  1.           Press on the button under instruction. This allows to change the Position of the device or select from the list a different additional instruction.


  1.          Additional instruction may be also created (if relevant one doesn’t exist in the drop-down list) in the window that opens after pressing  in this section.

  1.          Option allows to come back to initial instructions that come with the device that was selected.

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