Basic Configuration

Basic Configuration

When implementing CONFORMiT's SPACE platform, several configurations are required to customize the platform to the needs and practices of the organization.  The following steps are necessary in order to put a basic structure before the implementation of the modules acquired by your organization.

Follow the steps according to the following timeline for optimal configuration.

1.    Logo Update

a)     General > settings :

  1. Include a photo of the company logo.  The logo will be used to return to the base screen each time the user clicks on it.

🗒️ Article : How to Replace Your Logo

2.    Authentication

a)     General settings > authentication:

  1. Single sign-on allows your users to access the CONFORMiT application using your Microsoft/Azure AD, Google, or other enterprise authentication portal.
  2. Define API requirements.  If an API is required, contact your CSM for this request.

 3.    Personnel, Users, Roles and Rights

a)     Personnel :

  1. Create a list of your organization's personnel. 
  2. If the organization has more than 50 people, we offer the staff import service.  To do this, we will provide an Excel file that will need to be completed by your organization.

       IMPORTANT: Not all staff will be users of the platform.  However, all your employees can be involved in an incident. This is why all staff should be registered in the platform.

b)     Users of the platform (General Settings > Users  and Rights > Users):

  1. Create your users who are the people who will work with the WEB platform and the CONFORMIT CONTROL mobile application.
  2. Assign roles to users that will then allow you to manage their rights (permissions) in the platform. Refer to section 3.c) below.
  3. If the organization has more than 50 users, we offer the user import service.  To do this, we will provide an Excel file that will need to be completed by your organization.

🗒️ Article : How to Create a New User


c)     Platform user roles (General Settings  > Users and Rights > Roles and Rights):

  1. Define the roles of the users who will use the platform. 
  2. Set the rights (permissions) for each role for each module acquired by the organization.
Note: A person can have multiple roles.

4.    Types of organizational units

 a)     Settings >  Organization > Organizational unit types:

·       Determine whether the default structure works for your organization.  This is useful for ADRs, for triage of incidents and inspection locations. 

§  Company/Site/Department/Division that can be modified according to your organization.

5.    Organization

a)     Organization > settings :

  1. Check the modules to which you want to give access for each organizational unit.

  1. Define Owners* (see box below) for each organizational unit. Decide whether these owners are inherited or specified manually. 

Owners are the persons who will be notified  as soon as an incident (S&S, Environment and Property Damage of any severity) is reported in the organizational units you grant in the platform.  These people must first be users. 

  1. Define members* (see box below) for each organizational unit. Decide whether these members are inherited or specified manually. 

Members are the individuals with access to information  in the organizational units you grant in the Platform.  These people must first be users.  Being a member allows you to perform actions in the platform (e.g. make inspections, declare an event) according to the rights you will grant in the section (Settings > Users and rights > Roles and rights).
For more detailed information please follow the link to the list of content that is describing the process of initial setup of the new tenant:

🗒️Article: Initial Setup

Primary steps would be creating Roles and Rights, creating Users and assigning those roles to them, and creating your Organizational structure (defining membership and what can be associated to which unit).

It may be also useful to get familiar with the rest of the content in the knowledge base section Organization that explains certain features and tips on how to use them.





Download the Company logo

General settings > general


Select authentication mode

General settings > authentication


Create the personnel list or request its import



Create the list of users or request its import

General Settings > Users and > Rights 


Define roles that will have rights

General Settings  >  Users and Rights > Roles and Rights


Define the rights of each role for the acquired modules

General Settings  >  Users and Rights > Roles and Rights


Define organizational unit types

Settings  >  Organization > Types of organizational unit


Establish the organizational structure of the organization (multi-sites, departments, factories, campuses...)



Define the modules granted to each organizational unit



Define the owners of each organizational unit (if the Event module is acquired)



Define the members of each organizational unit (if the Event module is acquired)
