Attributes of Unit types and creating a new Unit type

Attributes of Unit types and creating a new Unit type

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The idea behind types of units in CONFORMiT software is to control what items can or cannot be associated with it: Events, Inspections, Non-compliances, Risk Analyses, Hours worked, have specific owners and members. All these attributes can be active or inactive for a certain unit type. When inactive they’re being inherited from the Parent unit, except for manual input of Hours worked that are when deactivated calculated as a sum of hours worked of all Child units (in case they exist). 

  1. Unit types with their attributes can be viewed and modified in  selecting OrganizationUnit types in the Settings menu

  1.  In the window below we can view Attributes of certain unit types that exist, activate or deactivate them (if these rights are provided to us within Users and rights tab

To consult information what difference does it make if a certain attribute is active or not for a certain Unit type, place your cursor on the sign near the Attribute description and you will see the bubble window with explanation 


  1.  Creating a new Unit type is possible for those users that have such rights in their Users & rights provided by administrators of your company. To start click on  
  1. In the window that will open name the Unit type and define Attributes (what can be associated with it)


  1. As you click on   it will appear in the list of Unit types and its attributes can be changed from there too

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