QR codes for quick access to LOTO procedures

QR codes for quick access to LOTO procedures

Similar questions:  How to generate a QR code for the machine? How to quickly access to LOTO procedure via QR code?

QR codes open the LOTO procedure steps automatically if there’s only 1 Lockout file associated with the machine. Whereas if there are multiple files – Intervention opens a page with selection of the procedure to apply.

QR codes may be printed in form of a sticker and attached to the machine unit itself, so that final users that will be applying the lockout steps will have a quick access via mobile app to the energy isolation procedure.

Within    structure find the equipment you wish to generate the QR code for and open it’s details

Within the machine details field to the right side of the screen there’s a button to  and a suggested way to use this functionality appears in a communication window if user puts the cursor over

Clicking on this button will download a .png file to your device, that can be printed or used in electronic version.

To use this QR code, user has to have CONFORMiT Interventions mobile application installed on the mobile device and has to have access to the organisational unit that this machine is associated with (to be a member of the organization unit or member of parent unit having the right to have access to all subunits, or to be an administrator with rights applying to all units)

Scan the QR code by mobile device and follow the link that opens


From the page of Procedure selection user proceeds to the Lockout process using mobile app as described in the article How to start a new intervention?

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