Indicating employee position required for handling certain energy sources

Indicating employee position required for handling certain energy sources

Similar questions:  How do I indicate that an employee of certain position is required to perform a specific Lockout step? Where can I indicate that electrician/mechanic/supervisor or another specialist is needed for performing a lockout step?

Certain energy sources are restricted to being handled by specially trained personnel holding a relevant position. Indicating this specialist’s position on the lockout sheet is possible by users having the right to  

When creating a new energy source or within details of existing energy source in  ,  select a required position from the drop-down list within the field “Position required…”


In case the necessary position is not in the list, it can be created by clicking on   or following steps described in the article “How to add a Position for the list of personnel?”

It is also possible to indicate multiple positions required for the step. In the end changes need to be published so they would be applied every time this energy source is implied.

Thus, when creating the device with this energy source, field “Positions required” will be pre-filled with reference information for the energy source, although it can be changed by clicking on edit   button near it.

It is also possible to select a position required for any other energy source, even if it’s not mentioned it its reference details. When creating the device, after the energy source has been selected, the edit  button becomes active and clicking on it allows to select the position required, that will be applied for this specific device and will not impact the reference version for the selected energy source.

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