Creating a printed format specific to organization unit

Creating a printed format specific to organization unit

Similar questions:  How to create a unit-specific template of the lockout procedure? How to customize a printed format for certain organizational unit only? How to make different lockout forms for different facilities within the same tenant?

Possibility to create multiple lockout form templates is generally created for cases when multiple facilities use the same tenant or if there is a need for a different printed format based on organizational structure unit.

In   go to   section and   tab. There’s a global procedure template that exists by default and can be edited for all organizational units as described in the article Editing printed procedure format.

Clicking on   will open a window to select which unit with its sub-units this new lockout form will apply to.

Select the unit from the drop-down list and click   to confirm. This will open directly the Printed format editor for this new form. Within this form perform modifications as described in the article

Unit and its sub-units that were selected when creating such a form will have by default this format printed without possibility to use the Global print template used by all other units, except for those having a specific format.

To delete the template go to the list of specific templates.  Once specific format for a unit is deleted – that means a global print template will apply to that unit and its children (sub-units).


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