Editing printed procedure format

Editing printed procedure format

Similar questions:  How to rename fields and columns of the printed Lockout file? Where to increase the number of lines in Seal # section? Where to disable printing the Return to service section? How to add or remove a column from the printed procedure template?

In   go to  section   within it.
Click on  to modify the default printed format that exists for all units, except for those who have .

First section to the right from the menu allows to edit the Reason for work and Work order fields – possible to rename them and select Number of lines for each (from 1 to 5 lines)


Each change that is made to the Printed Procedure Template has to be published before it’s applied. If changes have not been published – existing printed file format is not changing.

If Seal Log is not enabled – it stays just as one line for indicating the Seal #, but once it’s enabled – the number of lines may be selected from 1 to 5 as well as columns of the log may be renamed.


It is recommended to name columns and fields using terminology that is used in company’s practices to avoid confusion once Conformit software solution is deployed for the broad use by employees.

Participants of the Lockout and Verification process will be listed in the section “List of Collaborators”. Names of their roles and number of lines can be changed as well as in previous sections:


Rows in this section can be deleted    or added   to better reflect the existing or desired company Lockout file format.

It is possible to decide whether sections with required lockout material and return to service steps should be printed or not (by checking/unchecking relevant box):

All the changes made in the left part of the modification page are immediately displayed in the Template to the right, but not applied to the format until confirmed to be published.

Section for Procedure Steps Columns allows to select which columns should be displayed or not displayed, change the title if necessary, change position of the column as well as select from the drop-down list for certain column what information they’re designated for:

Moving the order in which these columns will be displayed in the printed format is possible by grabbing them in the dotted area   and dragging or by clicking on arrows   to change the position and following changes in the Template example on the right side of the page.


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