Event report sections customization
In the event classification in settings when we create an event type, for example I created a Hazard Observation, it would be good to have the possibility to tick boxes "Behavior" or "Hazardous condition" in the customization section, so that it would be possible to select them when creating such a report. We had that section in Halliburton when submitting an observation, because for the HSE it means a lot in terms of further analysis of the trend of observations submitted. For example if you have a lot of unsafe observation related to behavior, you'd probably try to figure out which topics they're related to to find out gaps in order to maybe conduct additional training in those fields where you see gaps in workers' safe procedure understanding. Whereas in case you have a lot of Unsafe Conditions reported related let's say to "electrical equipment" category, you might want to invite some auditor specialized in that field to give you a report on where you need to improve.