Événements / Events Communauté
67 - When trying to re-edit an event on the phone app, have an explanation of how to open the event on the browser
When trying to re-edit an event on the phone app, have an explanation of how to open the event on the browser
66 - Risk component list is not organised by categories / broken in categories
Risk component list is not organised by categories / broken in categories
65 - In the "declared by field" view a mention "start typing here…"
In the "declared by field" view a mention "start typing here…"
25 - Make classification descriptions appear in the event declaration menu (on the mobile). Not available in the pop up window in event declaration section
Make classification descriptions appear in the event declaration menu (on the mobile). Not available in the pop up window in event declaration section
22 - Reduire la quantité de choix dans les menus pour que ce soit plus visuel
Reduire la quantité de choix dans les menus pour que ce soit plus visuel
61 - Send email alert to notify when due date is approaching for events, CAPAs and tasks.
Send email alert to notify when due date is approaching for events, CAPAs and tasks.