Where to see which user changed the status of the event?

Where to see which user changed the status of the event?

Where to view who changed the status of the event?

Similar questions: How to see the event history?

Currently anyone having access to view and modify Event contents has the ability to change the status if that user is associated with the same unit that is Event. All the changes including name of the user and time of change are tracked in the event history.

  1.        Within module find in the list event that you need to view the history of and click on ID number (for example) to open the information (use search field or filter tool to facilitate finding necessary event)

  1.          Find the active link and click on it. In the window that opens you will see the history of the event:

  1.      Event history includes name of the user and time when the Status change was done. As well it includes the information as of who was assigned to be in charge of the next step, some notes that were made when changing status.

  1.      Scroll down to view the rest of the information: date and time when associated risks were detected, when notifications about event were sent and who were recipients of those notifications, and also Event summary information in the bottom of this window.

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