Where to input involved employee's (or injured person's) description of the event?

Where to input involved employee's (or injured person's) description of the event?

Where to type employee’s declaration about the event?

Similar questions:  Which section is designated for the injured person’s statement?

Section described below is designaed for the statement of employee involved in the incident as an injured person or a worker that caused the damage to equipment or environmental harm. Witness statements have to be typed in the Testimonies tab of Investigation section.

  1. Within module find in the list event that you need to update and click on ID number (for example ) to open the information (use search field or filter tool to facilitate finding necessary event)
  1. Select ReportingEmployee’s declaration in the left side menu.


  1. Two fields can to be filled up in this section – employee’s occupation prior to the event happening (describing what type of operation was this employee performing before event happened) and testimony of the employee about what happened (usually describing few moments before event, how the incident happened and what actions were done directly after the incident)

  1. After generating the detailed report, this information appears in the relevant field

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