Where to indicate person’s name when observation is concerning this person?

Where to indicate person’s name when observation is concerning this person?

Where to indicate person’s name when observation is concerning this person?

Similar questions: How to set up the list of events concerning certain involved persons?

Observations concerning behaviour, ergonomics, safety rules violations, etc. might require mentioning a person involved, depending on certain companies’ policies.  

  1. Within module there’s a possibility to mention an involved person and a possibility to create additional Event classifications (for this case it may be reasonable to create categories such as “Unsafe behavior observation”, “Ergonomic issue”, etc.)

  1.        Once observation is declared as an event via mobile application CONFORMiT control, it is necessary to find it in the Web interface in the Events list. And in the Event menu select Reporting-Employee involved


  1.          Select the person from the drop-down list and fill up the rest of information such as position, and occupied position during the event.
  2.          To view events linked to a certain personnel (for example to track number of safety rules violations by certain employees), add Employee involved column to the list by clicking and selecting it from the list


  1.          Filter out other events, except for those, involving personnel members that you select by using filter tool selecting employees you need from the personnel list. This way your events list will include only events (observations), where selected workers are involved.


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