Status watermark on printed LOTO procedure

Status watermark on printed LOTO procedure

Similar questions:  How to indicate a LOTO status on the procedure? How to inform final user that procedure is not in Approved status or has Expired?

Within  go to   tab and open the Lockout workflow that you wish to activate Watermark function for (there may be one or multiple Lockout workflows).

Open Status details (for ex. ) and activate Watermark printing for this status – this can be activated for all statuses of the workflow if necessary.

Once printed, procedure that is in this status will have a watermark on each page that informs a user of the stage that current file is in (whether it’s approved or not)

Once procedure has expired, the watermark will show “Expired” even if the status would still be Approved. The watermark in such case would only change to a new status, if the Status has been moved back to Draft which indicates that process or review and approval has started.


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