Shortcut to the lockout procedure from Interventions details window

Shortcut to the lockout procedure from Interventions details window

Similar questions:  How can I quickly switch to lockout procedure from Interventions Web?

The need to quickly switch to the Lockout procedure may appear when some changes have to be made to the lockout file steps, as a result of errors noticed or comments made while implementing it using Interventions mobile app. Changes and comments will be reflected in the intervention details in Web interface.

  1.         From the home page in the Web interface go to  module.

  1.      Find the Intervention that you need to view the progress for (use the filter   tool if necessary) in the  or  and click on ID to open details

Notes about mismatches and errors of the original lockout procedure made while implementing it will be visible in  window under the relevant procedure step:


  1.          It may be also mentioned as a comment  describing the problem with the step

None of these modifications or comments done via Interventions mobile can influence or alter the original Lockout procedure – the original reference procedure may be only modified by the user that has relevant rights and then reviewed and approved according to the Workflow.

  1.          In such cases changes to the original Lockout procedure may be necessary and a shortcut  in the lower right corner of the Intervention details window allows to quickly access relevant procedure, avoiding the need to look for it within the Lockout Procedures list.

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