Setting up the list of Lockout procedures

Setting up the list of Lockout procedures

Similar questions:  How to add or remove a column from the displayed list of LOTO files? How to move columns in the list of procedures? How to add information to the list of lockout file showing date when the procedure was last used?

Adding or removing columns does not influence how the list is displayed to other users – it is a personalized feature and adjusts the view only to the user that makes these changes. Lockout procedure list settings persist even if user logs out and logs in again – therefore in order to change them – it is necessary to go to settings and remove/add/reorder columns again.

  1. Displayed columns in the Lockout procedure list can be moved in order by simply grabbing them in “dotted” area and moving to the spot where necessary:


or by clicking on arrows and arranging the order in the settings button drop-down list:
  1. Additional columns showing the information by multiple categories may be added by clicking on Settings button  in the right end of the list header bar.

  1. Additional columns help by displaying the information as of which Unit is the lockout procedure linked to depending on the machine it’s locking out, expiration date of the Approved status, current Status deadline, Number of steps, date it was Last used, users that are assigned to current step, etc.
  2. Columns, that are not needed in the list, can be easily removed by clicking on   that appears when putting cursor over the column name in the header bar  or by simply unselecting it in the drop-down list of Settings button in the right corner 
  3. By clicking on ranging button  near the column name changes the order in which lockout procedures are displayed in alphabetical order for columns containing text values and in arithmetical order for those containing numbers. To get back to the default order click on ranging button   near identifier.
Changing the display order of the lockout list when clicking on ranging button   is temporary and does not persist. It comes back to initial view when leaving the list and coming back to it.


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