Setting up Severity rate dashboard.

Setting up Severity rate dashboard.

Settings for Severity rate Dashboard.

Similar questions: How to adjust the Severity rate graph?

To have a severity rate figure other than 0, a unit has to have man-worked hours indicated and lost time-injury cases associated with it with the number of days lost indicated in the Classification section within Event menu.

  1. Go to  module and select  in the left side menu – third Dashboard will be the Severity yearly rate, that is calculated per unit as number of days lost x 200 000 / employee hours worked          

This graph shows by year Severity rate per unit based on how many days away from work have been reported that year as a result of LTI cases and how many hours worked indicated for that year by certain units. Each organization unit has its color of the line on the graph, so it would be visually distinctive on the picture (colors of the unit are demonstrated on the top of the graph.

  1. In case not all units fit on one graph – click on the next page  above the dashboard to navigate to it


  1. Click on  to open the settings window, where you may select the graph type – vertical bars or a line. You may also set up the start and/or end year to view the graph for the period that you need.


  1. Option to merge units changes the graph with separate lines (or bars) for each unit into one line (or bar) that reflects the joint Severity rate for entire organization for selected years.

  1. Filter tool above the dashboards menu allows to exclude graphs for certain units and view the data for selected units only as described in the article “Filtering dashboards by selected units.”
  1. In order to export figures of the severity rate for entire organization or for selected units in Excels format click on button in the upper right corner of the window. File will be downloaded to your computer and can be viewed as a table with data by each year you selected in settings to have data for


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