Roles assignment to the Workflow status

Roles assignment to the Workflow status

Similar questions:  How to restrict users with certain roles to the Workflow Status? How to make it mandatory to assign at least one user to certain Workflow Status?

For the first status of the Workflow (draft or new procedure status) it is not possible to restrict Roles of users that can be assigned to it. Since it’s the first status of the Workflow – it is also not possible to make the user assignation mandatory. For all further Statuses it is possible to assign users during the Status change – therefore it is also possible to make assignment of at least one user mandatory.

  1. Restricting Roles that may be assigned to certain Status is necessary when only users having those Roles are authorized to complete the step (for example Procedure verification, approval, technical review).
  1. In  tab go to  and select the Lockout workflow for which it is necessary to set up Roles assignation.
  2. In the Workflow details page go to the Status that needs to have user Role restrictions and open Status details. In the bottom of details there will be a field to select Roles of users that may be assigned to this status (by default it’s All roles):

  1. From the drop-down list select roles to which this Status will be restricted. It will be possible to assign only users having these roles.
  1. Assigning a user to certain Status is optional by default, but if it’s the case that there has to be some user assigned to a certain step (this user receives a notification after assigned), then this setting has to be selected in the bottom of the Status details section:

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