Purpose of CAPA module

Purpose of CAPA module

What is the purpose of CAPA?

Similar questions:  Why having a CAPA?

Almost all of the companies have corrective and preventive actions (CAPAs) as part of their risk mitigation and incidents or follow-up practices.

 can be logged in as an outcome of:


-          Non-compliance reported during audit or inspection.

-          As a result of an observation reported through Events module,

-          As a corrective measure to prevent reoccurrence or eliminate the causal factor determined during incident investigation within the Events module

-          As a mitigation measure to reduce the risk determined during Risk Analysis

-          Separately as and outcome of safety meeting, request from management, new procedure that came into effect – it’s a To-Do list that is easy to follow.


Why using the CAPA module: 

  1.  Easy to track and follow-up the progress of the CAPA
  1.  Ensuring that action went through all necessary steps according to your company’s workflow
  1. Availability of information to all users with rights to access the information – useful for management to easily control implementation of correction and prevention measures even if being physically located in another facility
  1. Allowing quick navigation through the list of existing CAPAs by the use of filter tool
  1. Possibility to link existing CAPA to an Event or to Non-Compliance for quick access from those modules.


CAPA module is like an Action Tracker that is often maintained at many facilities, but with additional functions and integrated with software for Audits and Inspections, Risk Analysis and for Events investigation – all of that completely configurable and accessed from one same toolbar in CONFORMiT tenant.


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