How to set up the list of Events?

How to set up the list of Events?

How to set up the list of Events?

Similar questions:  How to arrange columns in the list of Events?

 Making adjustments to the list of Events doesn’t affect how other users see it. Changes and filter settings stay, until new adjustments performed, but just for the user that applied them.

  1. All events columns can be moved, except for the Event ID column by grabbing them with the left side button of the mouse in the dotted area and moving right and left side as we wish it to be displayed in our list


  1.  Columns may be added or removed by clicking on  above the list and selecting or unselecting relevant categories


  1. Order, in which columns are displayed may be modified by clicking on  near the column header. If the value within the category is a text value – this changes the order in alphabetic order, date – in chronological order, numbers value – from bigger numbers to smaller numbers

In order to go back to the list that is displayed by default – click twice on ID to have the latest declared Events to be displayed in the top of the list and the list is displayed in the order in which Events have been declared.

  1. Number of Events per page is regulated by the ruler in the bottom

It can be 20, 50 or 100 events displayed per page 

For navigation within the list use scroll to go up or down as well as click on following or previous pages on the bottom ruler to go to the rest of the list or go back.

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