How to set up and edit horizontal and vertical axis of the risk matrix?

How to set up and edit horizontal and vertical axis of the risk matrix?

How to set up and edit horizontal and vertical axis of the risk matrix?

Similar questions:  Where to edit axis used for Initial risk matrix?

 In order to change or set up the risk matrix axis user needs relevant rights within his/her Role in the tenant of CONFORMiT software. Refer to your administrator when necessary to obtain the right to modify risk analysis components.

  1. Go to  and in the Settings menu within Risk analysis select Risk matrix to open the tab with existing Axis settings.
  2. Since matrix has 2 axis, button to  may be only active if there’s less than 2 axis. As well as it becomes active as soon as we delete one of the axis 
  3. Renaming the axis is possible within the relevant field and for editing the formula, it is necessary to click on the edit button  that appears once cursor is on the formula itself



  1. In the Axis calculator window, create a formula out of Risk factors that you have that corresponds to your company’s standards.
  2. Each Axis of the Matrix has it’s own scale that sets up where the risk will fall within the matrix field itself. Each Value within these axis may be changed after pressing on Edit button, as well as additional values may be added.


  1.  After value and/or % have been changed, click on    to confirm


Changing formula or deleting an axis will lead to recalculation of all Initial risks for previous events as well as will apply to future risk calculations

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