How to reassign a user to a certain status withing the Lockout workflow of the procedure?

How to reassign a user to a certain status withing the Lockout workflow of the procedure?

Similar questions: How to replace a user responsible for certain step in Lockout file verification or approval? How to assign an additional user to a certain status of the LOTO procedure review process?

Functionality to assign a user to a certain step is optional. It is possible to assign one or multiple users to complete the step described as a certain Status of the LOTO procedure.

  1.          While working in  open the LOTO procedure that you wish to change (or remove) the user that is assigned to a certain status for.

  1.      Once details of the procedure are open in the upper left part of the screen there will be an information of Actual status and a user that is assigned to complete it:

  1. By clicking on   a window will open where it is possible to remove the user that is already assigned (if any), assign other users to this Status, type a comment or important information that will be included in the notification that is sent to them

  1. If there’s no relevant user in the drop-down list, it may be that this user doesn’t have access to the unit, that includes the machine to which the Lockout Procedure is associated. This can be done in the Organizational Structure by adding that user as a member of the relevant unit. Explanation with the link appears once you place cursor over the  button.

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