In order to link or create CAPA for one Non-conformity, that was reported as Unresolved during inspection, but no Corrective Measure was suggested:
· Go to this inspection in your tenant, choose the
inspection in the list within the Summary tab (possible to look for it by the
date if known),
· Clicking on the inspection number you will open a
window with details
· By clicking on the underlined question number that
is marked as noncompliant by the red X you will open the window with question and response details.
· By clicking on + (to the right side of Linked
CAPA) you will open two options
You may link the existing CAPA that was previously created to become as a corrective measure for chosen Non-compliance OR you have the option to Create CAPA if it wasn’t created yet in the software, by clicking on that button you will open a window
Need to
describe the Summary, Due date, Owner (responsible person) and Description of
required action. After clicking on this corrective measure will be logged and
displayed in the same window of Question description as CAPA linked to the
This new CAPA
can be also accessed via pictogram on the main page and managed from there by opening it in a
relevant window.