How to indicate risk components associated with the event ?

How to indicate risk components associated with the event ?

How to indicate associated hazards with the event?

Similar questions :  Where to indicate risks associated with the event?

Event information can be edited or updated by users that have necessary rights for this within their Role in CONFORMiT software. Contact your company’s software administrator to obtain necessary rights if you don’t have access to edit Event information.

  1. Within  module find in the list event that you need to update and click on ID number (for example ) to open the information (use search field or filter tool to facilitate finding necessary event)
  2.  In the New event menu scroll to Risk section. Left side of this field is called “Associated risks” and has two components – Hazards and Hazardous situation.


  1. Hazard is a potential source of harm to a worker and to add new hazard it’s necessary to select it from the list after pressing . Field Clarification is optional and may be left blank



  1. To delete unnecessary Hazard from the field – click on delete “waste bin”

  1. Hazardous situation is a circumstance in which a person is exposed to a hazard. To add one click on , select type of the situation from the list and type clarification if necessary


Additional risk components can be created within settings of Risk Analyses in General Settings as well as names of existing risk components by default may also be modified by users having relevant rights as part their Role in the software.

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