How to filter the list of Events?

How to filter the list of Events?

How to filter the list of Events?

Similar questions:  How to customize the list of events?

 Making adjustments to the list of Events doesn’t affect how other users see it. Changes and filter settings stay, until new adjustments performed, but just for the user that applied them.


  1. To facilitate the process of finding certain Event in the list users may use search bar. Search is possible by the phrase or a word in description or by the ID number.


  1.  Another way to customize the list is to use filters, that can exclude those Events from the list that you don’t need to see at the moment. There can be one or several filters applied at the same moment. Start by clicking on  


  1. Select categories by which you wish to filter your list in the drop-down window
  2. Adjust filters that you’ve added according to your needs by selecting necessary time range, name of responsible user, status name, etc.


  1. As you applied all filters that you find necessary, you get the list of Events that correspond to your settings in filters only, excluding all other Events from the list.
  2. To delete filter, click on  

Please note that filter settings remain even after user exited the module or even signed out. They disappear only when user removes the filter or changes its settings. 

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