Editing a fact category or adding a new one

Editing a fact category or adding a new one

Similar questions:  How to change the terminology used for fact categories? How do I add a fact category selected in the Investigation section in Events module?

To edit or add fact categories user must have such right in the set of rights of at least one or roles assigned to him in Roles and rights section of General Settings. 

Within    go to Events section and select   tab. List of existing fact categories will show number of facts linked to each category as well as number of Fact types that exist within it:

Each category can be edited, by clicking on it. This opens details where it can be renamed, its description can be changed, as well as it can be activated or deactivated. Active category   is the one under which Fact types can be created and these fact types would be available to select in the reference list during an Event investigation.

It is possible to delete a fact category   only when there are no facts or fact types linked to it.

To create a new fact category click on  button and fill up the name and description of the new category in the window that opens:

Once created, new category comes deactivated by default, therefore, to make it available for selection in the reference list when creating Fact types it is necessary to activate it.

Newly created fact category becomes available within the tab  and new types of facts can be created under it by selecting in the list

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