How to determine the initial risk?

How to determine the initial risk?

How to determine initial risk?

Similar questions:  How to calculate initial risk associated with the event?

An event that happened or could’ve happened (for near misses) is taken into consideration itself when analysing factors of the risk matrix. For effective analysis this action requires a whole investigation team to be involved. Risk analysis based on single opinion may be inacurate.


  1. Within  module find in the list event that you need to update and click on ID number (for example ) to open the information (use search field or filter tool to facilitate finding necessary event)
  2.  In the New event menu scroll to Risk section. Right side of this field is initial risk calculation matrix. Select factors out of drop-down list.


Names of risk factors and values scales in the drop-down list may be different within your tenant according to your company’s general settings within this section.

  1. Select values of Damage avoidance, Exposure, Probability, Severity.



  1. According to the formula set up within  for Risk analysis, once all values are selected, risk level will appear in the matrix window to the right

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