How to declare an Event via Web interface?

How to declare an Event via Web interface?

Similar questions:  How to report an event in the Web module?

Under the term Event we should understand environmental, health and safety incidents, near misses, assets damage and hazard observations. List of types of events may be fully modified to fit the needs and policies of the tenant (client).

  1. There are 2 buttons within our Web software to declare a new Event:

-          Upper toolbar button  which is always there, even when working in other modules

-          And    on the main page within   module

  1. Both buttons open the same window with initial Event details that need to be filled up


  1. Classification is selected amongst the list that is arranged in the General settings, Date, Time and name of the user that is declaring the event are pre-filled by the software, but this information may be changed, if necessary, as well as there’s an option to mark that the time cannot be determined. Also, it’s necessary to indicate what happened and risks that were associated with the Event.

·         By clicking on   we access fields to indicate additional information, immediate measure that was taken (if any) and indicate users to notify about this event (among those who have rights to view events associated with this specific unit that we have selected.

  1. As we filled up all the information in this window, click on  and new Event will appear in the list, where it can be accessed for further investigation and analysis

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