How to create or edit a risk factor for initial risk calculation?

How to create or edit a risk factor for initial risk calculation?

How to create a risk factor for initial risk calculation or edit the existing one?

Similar questions:  Where to change risk factors used for Initial risk matrix?

In order to change or add a risk factor user needs relevant rights within his/her Role in the tenant of CONFORMiT software. Refer to your administrator when necessary to obtain the right to modify risk analysis components.


  1. Go to  and in the Settings menu within Risk analysis select Risk matrix to open the tab with existing Risk factors and Values within them.

  1. To create an additional factor, click on  and fill up the information within fields in the window that opens


  1.  Value scale is to be filled up with relevant grades to the assessment levels describing the likelihood or possibility of the value category to happen – this number is used when calculating the initial risk on the risk matrix. At least one value is mandatory to create the factor, otherwise it may not be taken into consideration in the formula of risk calculation.
  2. Buttons to delete or modify any Risk factor appear when putting the cursor over them and disappear once the cursor is moved away

  1. Clicking on the Edit button  same window opens where the factor was created. It is possible to change the Name, Description, change value descriptions, grade or create additional ones.


Once done modifying the information, confirm by clicking on  in the top right of the window


  1. When necessary to delete one of the factors that are not used in the Risk matrix formula, a window will open asking to confirm the decision


  1. Factors that are used in the Risk matrix may be deleted only after being removed from the formula in the Risk matrix section, which will lead to recalculation of all risks considering changes in the formula

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