How to declare an Event in mobile application?

How to declare an Event in mobile application?

How to declare an Event in mobile application?

Similar questions:  How to report an event in CONFORMiT Control?

Under the term Event we should understand environmental, health and safety incidents, near misses, assets damage and hazard observations. List of types of events may be fully modified to fit the needs and policies of the tenant (client).

Mobile application CONFORMiT Control is one of 2 ways to report the Event (or observation) within our software.

  1. On the home page of mobile application CONFORMiT Control, click on   and select Event on the next page, this will open the page with New Event information, that needs to be filled up 
  1.   Select the Event type from the list, briefly describe what happened (this may also be an observation description), select Unit of the Organizational structure which will be associated with this Event. Also, it’s possible to attach documents if relevant to the reported Event or observation.


  1. Application automatically fills up the date and time when Event is being declared and the name of the user that’s reporting it. It is also possible to allow the application to log the geographic coordinates (for each new event this function, if necessary, has to be activated separately).


  1. Notifications can be sent to those users that have the right within software to view events from this Unit that it’s associated with. For that purpose it’s necessary to select them from the list. Once finished filling up all mandatory fields and optional, if necessary, click on  . In the list of activities for today it will appear as submitted.


Once declared, further editing and investigation can be done from the Web interface only.

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