How to create a risk component or edit existing one?

How to create a risk component or edit existing one?

How to create a risk component or edit existing one?

Similar questions:  Where to indicate risks associated with the event?

In order to change or add a risk component user needs relevant rights within his/her Role in the tenant of CONFORMiT software. Refer to your administrator when necessary to obtain the right to modify risk analysis components.

  1. Go to  within Risk analysis select Risk components



  1. To create a new component press on  and fill up the Name and Description of a new component. Within Values field click on  and describe it briefly, confirm with 



  1. Once sufficient number of values entered – confirm by pressing Create component in the bottom
  2. All Values that are created within Risk component may be edited, deleted or pinned  (this makes it appear in the top of the list when event is being declared)

  1. To edit the existing category click on Edit button next to the name of component you wish to work with


  1. In the window that opens all fields, including the Name of the component can be modified, Values may be “Pinned” to appear on the top of the list (for those used more often that others)


  1. Newly create Risk component may be deleted by pressing “waste bin” that appears when putting cursor on it in the list and confirming in the window that opens



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