How to create a new Classification for type of Events?

How to create a new Classification for type of Events?

How to create a new Classification for Events?

Similar questions:  How to create new event classification in settings?

  1. Go to  from the home page or using the metro button  in the upper left corner of the screen and select the Events tab – Classifications in the Settings menu


  1. This tab opens the table with all currently existing Events Classifications in 4 categories: Health & Safety, Environment, Material damage and the Customizable type (which may have different names, since it's customizable).
  2. To create a new Classification, click on  and fill up the information in the window that opens


  1. Option to Enable classification or disable it   is necessary in case the terminology has changed in classifications (new procedures, new owner, merger with another company). Disabled classification allows to keep all the events declared under it before the change has come into effect, but further declaration under this classification is not possible, until it’s enabled again
  2. Option to  when disabled allows to limit the possibility to declare events under this Classification. In some cases a company would prefer to block the ability to declare certain types of events for all users (such as fatality, lost time injury, some environmental incidents). This allows to report such sensitive information by authorized company representatives only.


  1. In the Classification profile in the section Event type, we need to fill up information regarding the category, additional fields for events of that type that will appear in the form to fill up while investigating the event, as well as there may be the need to enable the list of recordable cases for classifications types that belong to recordable categories. Usually it is enabled only for types of classifications that are used to declare an injury or a work-related illness. (For near miss, for example, this section should be disabled).

  1. Following section is where it’s possible to select the form of report that will be generated as a result of the investigation that corresponds to the Classification. This also includes eligible events in the recordable accident rate calculation



  1. Bottom part allows to customize sections for event investigation, if they are relevant to the Classification that is created. These sections, if selected, will appear in the left side menu in the Events module.

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