How to change the event status?

How to change the event status?

How to change the event status?

Similar questions:  Where to change the status of event investigation?

Event status may be changed by any user that has the access to view and modify information for events associated with the unit that is linked to the event.

  1.          Within module find in the list event that you need to update and click on ID number (for example ) to open the information (use search field or filter tool to facilitate finding necessary event)

  1.         Regardless of which section of the menu you’re working in within the event information page, buttons to change event status may be accessed above the menu tabs where current status is mentioned and transitions that apply for this status according to the active workflow.

  1. By selecting Transition that corresponds to the current situation with investigation and reporting of the event, we open a window asking to assign one or several users (selected from the drop-down list of users that are associated with the unit) for the next step and add some important notes (optional).


  1.      If notes have been added, they will be visible in the email that user gets after being assigned to it


  1. As well as it’s mentioned in the history of the event 

  1.      Same section with the possibility to change status by clicking on the button with Transition that depicts next necessary step can be found in the bottom of the page, regardless of the tab of the menu you’re working in



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