How to add a Work task and link it with Position?

How to add a Work task and link it with Position?

Similar questions:  How to add Linked tasks to the drop-down list when creating Position?

  1.  To add a new Position, go to  and select Organization and Work tasks in the Settings menu

  1.   By selecting  we open a window to describe a new work task
  1.  As it’s added to the list, within the new Work task field we can type in the Description and link it to existing Position


 Work tasks may be linked to one or multiple Positions as well as they may be not linked to any. Same is true for Positions—each of them may be linked to one or several Work tasks or not linked to any of them.

For the information on how to create Positions in case they’re not present in t
he drop-down list, please refer to the article “How to add a Position for the list of Personnel? “

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