How create or deactivate a Root Cause ?

How create or deactivate a Root Cause ?

Similar questions:  How to set up the root cause drop-down list?

In order to modify the Root Cause list user needs relevant rights within his/her Role in the tenant of CONFORMiT software. Refer to your administrator when necessary to obtain the right to modify Event module components.

  1.         Go to and in the Settings menu within Event select Root Causes

  1.          In the existing list of Root Causes that opens by checking or unchecking the box near the Cause name we activate it or deactivate for the list used in Analysis section of Events module.


  1.          Those Causes that have not been used in any events existing within the tenant at the moment can be modified by clicking on edit button that appears when cursor is placed on the description  this opens the window where phrasing of the Root Cause may be changed, and new wording confirmed by clicking on


  1.         When necessary to create a new Root Cause click on and type new description in the window that will open

  1. Clicking on  in this window will add this new Cause to the list activated by default  
Root Causes that have at least 1 event associated with them in the system cannot be edited, but can still be deactivated for future event investigations.

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