General intervention details in the Web interface

General intervention details in the Web interface

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Intervention Web module is a management tool in addition to Intervention mobile, that is used to actually conduct the Lockout steps on equipment according to Lockout Procedures. A new Intervention can be only started by mobile application and in will appear in the real-time intervention list in the Web as well.

  1.        From the home page go to  module.
  1.      In the  select the intervention that you need to view the details for (use the filter tool if necessary). Field with the relevant intervention will contain some details:


-       stage at which the intervention is currently (Ready to work),

-       work order number and name of the person responsible 

-       work description and equipment identifier
 along with the Intervention identifier, that was assigned a number automatically;

-       lockout procedure name ;

-       number of padlocks applied + the date and time when the lockout started will appear once all the controls are applied, which means that lockout has started 

-        name of the person that started the intervention 

  1. To access details click on Intervention ID and a window will open, allowing to view the same information as listed above. It is also possible to change the work order number if necessary and the person to contact:

  1. Within the  tab information in this list allows to view some details linked to the intervention, such as work description, location, status, work order, etc.

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