Finding and printing the Procedure

Finding and printing the Procedure

Similar questions:  What parameters to type in the search bar? How to filter the list of Procedures?

  1.         Go to  module from the home page or from the metro button menu. This opens the list of Procedures for the unit (or units) you’re a member of.

  1.      Use the search bar to quickly find the procedure by typing into it the number of the procedure, title, element description, type, etc. This facilitates the search as it excludes all the procedures that do not have the value that is entered in the search bar.


  1.          When procedure number or other elements that can be typed into the search bar are not known, a filter tool  may be used to facilitate finding the necessary procedure. The list may be filtered by Units (in case databases of multiple units are available), Status name, Procedure types and by Machines.


  1.      Select the filter that you wish to filter by and then select the value that you need to help locate the procedure. Quickest way to locate the necessary procedure is to select the machine that you plan to lock out in the Structure tree of machines.

Please note that filters persist until you delete them. That means if you will exit the Procedures module and even sign out – next time you open the Procedures module it will have same filters active. In order to go back to the list of all procedures it is necessary to remove all filters  

  1.           When the necessary procedure is found, user needs to click on the ID to open it (for example ). Scroll down to view the procedure to make sure it’s the correct one and then confirm by clicking on 


  1.          In case the procedure has the status other than Approved, it will have a relevant watermark printed on the procedure to inform those using it that it’s not an approved version.


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