Excluding/including elements to print on Lockout procedure

Excluding/including elements to print on Lockout procedure

Similar questions:  How to exclude the deficiencies page? How not to print the last page since we’re using our proper cover sheet? How not to print images within device steps? How to prevent attached images and/or documents from printing?

When in  module withing the procedure that needs to be printed click on  button and select to print the procedure. This will open a window to make selection which elements need to be printed:


Option   controls printing of images attached to the device step itself.

Option  allows to control printing of images attached in the end of the procedure

Possibility to   is active by default, so all PDF files attached in the end of the procedure will be printed, unless this box is unchecked before print.

Last page of the Lockout format is printed by default, unless following box is unchecked

Selecting/unselecting elements in this window does not impact future prints, as they stay pre-selected by default. Therefore to exclude an element from printed page – it is necessary to uncheck it each time. Selections made within this window will be visible on the print preview page.


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