Event cost section and expenses normally included.

Event cost section and expenses normally included.

Where to mention the event cost?

Similar questions:  What amounts are included in the event cost?

Event cost section normally applies to cases such as personnel injury or fatality, environmental incidents with financial consequences, assets damage or any other event that caused temporary interruption of the operation process in the sertain section of the facility or entire facility. When declaring a simple observation, event cost section usually remains empty.

  1.         Within module find in the list event that you need to update and click on ID number (for example  to open the information (use search field or filter tool to facilitate finding necessary event)

  1.           Select Reporting – Event cost in the left side menu. Type amount in the field for event cost.




  1.          Placing cursor on Information   pictogram allows you to view explanations and suggestions as of which expenses are normally included into the event cost. Each particular situation is different as are different companies’ policies and standards. Therefore, information regarding the event cost is simply a recommendation.

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